UNC Batten Clinic
James’s first Batten clinic check up at UNC. (It’s UNC’s first time hosting this!)

Here you can find the time and date of James’s infusions. They’re all on Thursdays, but they’re every other Thursday and I hope this will help everyone (including myself) keep the infusion dates straight!
Here you can find the time and date of James’s infusions. They’re all on Thursdays, but they’re every other Thursday and I hope this will help everyone (including myself) keep the infusion dates straight!
Here you can find the time and date of James’s infusions. They’re all on Thursdays, but they’re every other Thursday and I hope this will help everyone (including myself) keep the infusion dates straight!
Here you can find the time and date of James’s infusions. They’re all on Thursdays, but they’re every other Thursday and I hope this will help everyone (including myself) keep the infusion dates straight!