Giddy Up!

Just finished up James’s 9th infusion! My, how time flies…

Before we headed back up to UNC Hospital, we did a little adventuring on our own and visited trains in Spencer, NC. James had a blast! All he wanted to do was watch the trains drive on the tracks (and maybe also play in the sandbox they provide, but mainly watch the trains). We do plan on visiting again in the very near future, since it’s only about 50 minutes away from us.

That said, his 10th infusion is coming up and I believe we’re going to plan a little trip to the zoo before his infusion! I felt the need to do something special for him as he continues to handle these infusions like the champ he is and buying him another toy didn’t seem to fit. (He also doesn’t need anymore trucks hahahaha.) A trip to the zoo to see, possibly, real elephants (praying the weather holds out) seems like a fantastic idea! I’m kind of excited myself to be going to the zoo again. I mean, isn’t that the point of having kids? You get to be one yourself?? …until you have to be the parent…

Speaking of being a kid, I’m kind of jealous of my son! He gets to ride horses for Equine Therapy every Saturday! Did I mention horses were my favorite animal and I’ve always wanted one? But don’t worry, James took to it like a pro. I figured he would do well, but he did way better than I expected! So proud of him! He is slowly starting to come out of his shell and I believe preschool, therapies and play dates are working phenomenally at helping him with that. Anywho, James is riding a wonderful Tennessee Walking horse named Chance and he is so gentle with James and yes, I will post pictures of James riding the horse.

We are still hovering over him, as his seizures can be extremely hard to pick up on to the untrained eye. His seizures are doing well, for the most part ::knocks on wood::. He did have a breakthrough one 2 weeks ago but I think it was a one off seizure (or that’s what I call them) meaning there were multiple factors contributing to it - mostly his schedule was out-of-whack - and had it been a normal day, I don’t think he would have had one.

I think that’s about it for now! We are all still taking it one day at a time.

Much love! <3


Baltimore Part 2!


Doing Well!