The Start of the Surgery

As April 23rd nears (the surgery date) the circumstance we’re in is becoming more and more real - you know what I mean. Stress levels are running high and we’re once again packing so we can head to Chapel Hill for his MRI and blood work. Lots of traveling back and forth, but worth it for this little one.

The sooner we can get these infusions started, the longer we can, hopefully, hold off the regression. This is the hardest thing we have ever done and not something we would wish on our worst enemies.

As for James, he’s doing extremely well! Still wreaking havoc where he goes (in a good way, of course!) and getting everyone he meets to fall in love with him. If we had a penny for every time someone said he was cute, we’d be rich! I know, we could make a “$0.25 to say, ‘He’s Cute’” stand, kind of like lemonade!


The Surgery


Baltimore Part 2: The Battle for James