A Little Vacation

Once the first infusion was under our belt (and we felt James was rested enough), we decided to make a little trip to the beach. I must admit, it’s nice to look at different set of walls from time to time! As soon as we pulled into the drive, James knew exactly where we were. And as soon as we stepped out of the car, all he wanted was, “beach!”

Now, I have to be careful of the sun because of my lupus, but make no mistake! This wonderful child spent a plenty on the beach yesterday and some today and we’re not done yet. He found a little puddle to splash around in (and splash me!) and helped me look for sharks teeth. We have a large mason jar here at the house full of teeth. Thanks to James and his toys, we now have a new and fun way to search for them. He finds the puddles, and I get his sifter and we sift through sand and water - it’s way more fun than it sounds. I call it lazy tooth hunting haha! I would like to thank my granddaddy for teaching my sister and I how to pan for gold when we were younger!

We also have the best neighbors here. They let us play under their house when they aren’t here (even if they are here, we still do) and it gives James a little more room to run around.

Though, being back here, it’s made me a little sad. Last time we were here I had my second ectopic pregnancy that almost took my life and James was, well, “normal” for all we knew. That’s okay though because being sad isn’t a crime. It’s a way to work through everything we have faced thus far.

The beach has also given me perspective. I watch this little boy, for all he’s been through with surgery, hospitalizations, infusions, and he is the happiest human in the world. I see it at home all the time and maybe that’s desensitized me seeing it so clearly there, but seeing it here. Wow. I’m in awe of his strength and his pure joy and we will do our best to keep that pure joy in him and that spark in his eyes when he gets excited (which is all the time! [except maybe when he’s hungry and/or tired…]).

He’s napping right now, but afterwards, we plan to head to our really good friend’s house and maybe go swimming. Then head back out to the beach to wear him out again for a good night’s sleep!

Stay tuned my friends. Much love from us!


Shout Out


First Infusion